21 DAYS PILGRIM - Recollections of the Journey within
Bernadette, a woman of so many personalities, is not yet done with her quest to understand life! She has been to thr highest peaks of life and to its very down bottom, ground zero if you like! She has been to formidable paths and breathtaking dives of life!
All along, her quest felt like just a scratch on the conundrum of life! Until she learnt from the gurus and masters who have taught and written extensively about journeying inside oneself!
Over the years Berna has realized that the journey inside is vast and infinite that it requires one to be ready to receive directions from a proper guide! In this memoir, Berna is taking us through her 21 days quest. We are privileged to explore a day to day extract of her quest to understand life inside out!
We taste Berna’s dissection and understanding of each moment of her day in hopes to awaken within us an intent to merge more with our own life. Berna hopes that by sharing her pilgrim she inspires us to look at life from a different perspective! She inspires us to love more, to be more grateful, more giving, more devoted and more compassionate. She hopes that we become more inquisitive of our own life than just take it for granted! That we change as much the magnifying glasses we use to interact with life until its clearer!
21 days Pilgrim - Recollection of the Journey Within, Berna’s memoir as narrated by Margreth Temu.
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