Fundamental Communication Skills: Revised edition
In the history of mankind transmission of knowledge, skills and cultural values has been possible through presentation of the same in the written form. When a university graduate, like Edwin B. Mahelo writes a professional book, it is a sign that the university has successfully fulfilled its core functions of teaching, researching, and public service.
The 21st Century has demonstrated that soft skills are on high demand in the society. Construction of knowledge where knowledge commands every aspect of human life calls for enhancement of communications skills since communication skills act as bricks of the society. Knowledgeable society transforms the members of the society to be permanent learners.
Successful learners require smart communication skills. Scientific knowledge and skills even competence building are achievable only through communication skills.
English language surprisingly, has dominated the world of sciences and businesses. Mobility of University graduates is profitable to individuals who master English language and are professionally good communicators. The author while pursuing his studies at the St. Augustine University of Tanzania, in the Program of Education and during his teaching practices saw the need of students to have text books that is why he has come with a solution of the problem of shortages of text books written by teachers who knew the learning challenges in our society.
This book is very useful to the first year University students. The book creates a bridge for high school leavers as they embrace learning at University level. It is written by someone who experienced communication skills problem for students in the first year of their University education.
As a student in the University or in any Institution of Higher Learning, use this book in order to become a successful knowledge developer and become effective communicator.
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