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Frequently asked question

You need to have your front book cover (in jpg/png format), the blurb of your book (in docx format), and an eBook file (in pdf format) of your book or at least five hardcopies of your book. When all these documents are ready, send them here [email protected]

You shall receive 70% of the net proceeds from the sale of each book, calculated as the retail price minus applicable taxes and transaction fees. All payments are channeled through your phone number or bank account

Your book is promoted across our social media accounts and mailing list of about 500+ book readers. Moreover,  you get a free mockup that you will use to advertise your book and drive traffic to your book.
Right in your mail, at the end of every month, your sales report awaits. This will help you track your book sales. 

We offer design, layout, and editing services to transform your manuscript into a professional-looking masterpiece.
Yes, all the designs that we have already done can be accessed here

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Our customer service is ready to go into detail and find a solution so that you can reach your goals.